Hey everyone, First time parents here faced with open enrollment and it’s uncharted territory for plans with dependents.

My wife’s plans are more competitive than mine, so for this purpose I’m only focusing her options.

About us: 4mo old baby Her, 32f Me, 31m -Generally both healthy (not needing regular Dr visits) -She has a foot issue she’s like checked out and worked on (small outpatient surgery) -Potential for a second child in 2024 -Both paid biweekly, 26x a year -gross 210k between us -she has a 15k student loan left -saving for house

We’re focused on her HDHP, traditional mid, and traditional high plan.

For addl context:

Hdhp: $0 premium HSA $6k family deductible, 12k OOPM 0% coinsurance on all care after ded is met. The only charges post deductible would be prescription meds (which we aren’t on).

Mid: $0 premium FSA $3K fam deductible, 8k OOPM copays $30-75 for primary/spec visits, hospital in/outpatient both 20% after deductible

High: $206 premium/paycheck $0 deductible, 8k OOPM Copays 30-75 for primary/spec visits Hosp inpatient $700 Hosp outpatient $0

I have my thoughts but curious on y’all’s? TYIA.

submitted by /u/Wiscody

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