Getting wife on health insurance (Special Enrollment Period, QLE)

I got married in July and I would like to enroll her on my company health insurance plan. I wasn't informed that it was a QLE and that I needed 30 days to add her. We were also give our marriage certificate over a month late. She is also self-employed and pays for her own health insurance through covered California Kaiser so I'm assuming she can't just cancel that. My employer said that if we can show that she lost her insurance, then they can enroll her.

This was from Kaiser's website regarding Special Enrollment:

Misinformation, misrepresentation, misconduct, or inaction of someone working in an official capacity to help you enroll (like an health care issuer, navigator, certified application counselor, or agent or broker) that kept you from enrolling in a health care plan, enrolling in the right health care plan or getting the premium tax credit or cost-sharing reduction you were eligible for.

We weren't informed that the marriage was a QLE and that we'd be able to change our insurance. Would we be able to use this an a way to drop her current insurance?

Do you know any other ways that could work for us?

Also, her open enrollment period is in November. Would she be able to drop her insurance and join mine even though my open enrollment isn't until May?

submitted by /u/Acceptable-Pension28

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