Getting health insurance for the first time with expected surgeries coming up?

Hi, I'm barely an adult, and I'm getting health insurance for the first time, but I barely understand it. My work offers insurance, but the lowest deductible is $1500 and is $170 a month. Or another option is maybe I can go through with The thing is, I believe that I need to have a low deductible plan because I mostly likely need both endoscopic sinus surgery and a septoplasty. Seeing an ENT as soon as I have insurance to get this process started. However, these are very expensive procedures, and if my deductible is $3000 (for example), I am assuming that I have to pay that out of pocket before my insurance starts paying towards the surgeries, if that is correct. I don't understand hardly anything when it comes to insurance, so I'm sorry if it's so obvious that I don't know what I'm talking about.

I guess what I am asking is: if you know you will be having a couple pricey surgeries, what kind of health insurance plan would you look for? I do not make a lot of money either, so I have little to no savings. I have no dependents either.

submitted by /u/astralynnie

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