Getting coverage while moving while pregnant


So here’s the situation:

Wife is 23 weeks pregnant.

We’re moving to Florida from northeast.

We both have separate insurance through our jobs now.

We both have job contracts that were signed before pregnancy and begin in September.

We had to go down to establish OB care but found out she doesn’t have out of state benefits during visit (awesome) or L&D coverage.

This basically renders her current insurance useless to us.

We are moving August, and she’ll have this current coverage until the end of that month.

Thus there will also be some time in September she’ll be without insurance (start date is mid month).

Her new job insurance will kick in on start date in mid September.

Due date is end of month.

Main questions I have:

Can we go thru marketplace? We are in the middle of buying a house in FL, so there’s an exception to enroll. But we aren’t physically moving until August and she technically does have insurance, just no coverage in FL.

If marketplace is just not allowable since she has some sort of insurance, what other options are there? COBRA would just extend her non-covering insurance benefits. Would we have to look into travel insurance?

Thanks in advance. A lot of new moving parts of all a sudden.

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