Getting billed for ER services

Hi all,

About a month ago I suffered a back injury and was getting muscle spasms every few seconds. It felt like I was getting electrocuted and I couldn't move or get out of bed because of the spasms.

I ended up calling the ambulance to take ne to ER. The city's ambulance (not a 3rd party one) showed up — you know the kind that usually shows up with the fire trucks.

Anyway all they did is help me up somehow (and painfully) and drive me to nearest er a mile away.

My question is insurance wise I paid the 250 co pay at the ER. They basically assessed me, gave me meds and wrote a prescription. At the pharmacy it was 10 bucks for the meds.

Here we are about a month later and supposedly on insurance website it says claim finalized but er doctor was put of network but patient responsibility is $0 dollars. Am I gonna receive a surprise bill in the mail?? Or did my insurance cover it despite being put of network. I have HMO

Also is the ambulance provided by the city going to bill my insurance cause they didn't ask for my insurance info. I haven't received a bill from them a month later. I heard stories that ppl never get their ambulance bill but yet somehow ends up in collections.

submitted by /u/Pure-Pair4157

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