Getting a bill for heart monitor almost 3 years later?

In October 2020 I saw a cardiologist due to irregular heart beats. They prescribed an iRhythm monitor to wear for 2 weeks. I wore it and mailed back the monitor via the prepaid box. My cardiologist received the results in November 2020 and I thought all was done. I've had the same health insurance since 2019.

In April 2023 I received a letter from iRhythm asking me for insurance information or I'd be responsible for the bill of $5000. I called them and basically asked why they waited nearly 3 years to contact me and said my insurance never changed and gave them my health insurance information. I never heard back.

Today I received a bill in the mail for $5000 due immediately. I never received an EOB and I checked my online claims and no claim was made.

What should I do? I just had a baby at the end of April and I'm already swimming in thousands of dollars of medical bills. I feel like it's not my fault they didn't bill my insurance for almost 3 years???

submitted by /u/PhoenixxFyre

See also  University Insurance