Gender-Affirming Coverage for Surgical Interventions (BCBS IA, fully-insured, HMO)


I have my Iowa-based employer providing fully-insured WellmarkBlue HMO. Because I live in Iowa, some gender-affirming care options are still considered cosmetic by the state, which is different than some states, such as California.

I'm attempting to have facial procedures covered as part of treating gender dysphoria. These procedures are commonly referred to as Facial Feminization Surgeries. According to the WPATH Standards of Care 8, these should be covered in case-to-case bases. Unfortunately, part of living in Iowa is that I also don't have reputable surgeons in-network. My plan has no out-of-network coverage.

I've already undergone over two years of a hormone intervention, so I'm ready to take this next step. What options might I have to gain coverage without changing my career or moving to another state?

Edit: 29 years old, $48k/yr, 50311

submitted by /u/happilygenderfluid

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