GA- no insurance or healthcare in 8 years, having problems and don’t know how to avoid losing assets if I seek treatment

Hi y’all. F50 in state of Georgia with abdominal and reproductive problems and I’m not going to make it much longer without a real diagnosis and treatment. Cancer is entirely possible. I am married, no kids, both of us are currently unemployed. However, my wife made too much money the first 2 months of 2024, plus received an inheritance. We don’t qualify for anything through the government and we now own a house we could lose, our only real property. I am almost always bedridden due to my problems and need help if I’m going to survive much longer.

My wife is looking for work but nothing has materialized in the past 6 months, and I was never covered by her previous employer sponsored insurance, we just couldn’t afford it AND keep a roof over our heads with cost of living skyrocketing. We may however be in a position to self-pay until she finds a job.

The question is, are we in danger of losing our newly acquired assets if I start getting help? And will my seeking healthcare cause pre-existing condition problems when my wife does find work?

My apologies if the flair I used was incorrect, I just don’t know what to do anymore.

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