Furious and dumb. Need help.. please don’t judge me!!!

I signed up for insurance through the marketplace in December. I had to because my job switched our plans without proper notification which should be illegal. I finalized everything with an agent at getcoverednj after I had filled out the application choosing the insurance I wanted. Also, I was pregnant at this time and told the agent this. We were on the phone for hours. I signed up for the exact same plan I originally had through my job. This is my third baby and so I knew what to expect cost wise and was comfortable with this decision. I had my baby in July, and I have been getting bill after bill, thousands of dollars. I didn’t understand, I thought it must be a mistake because I know the deductible should have been met. As it turns out, she must have switched my insurance to the HSA plan. A plan I would have never chosen because it makes absolutely no sense for a pregnant woman. It is 40% coinsurance. There were red flags, I had gotten bills for things I never had in the past but it’s been a stressful few months and I didn’t think too much into it.
I’m embarrassed but also furious because it took me days to choose a plan and I would never ever have chosen an hsa, the only thing I could think is maybe she wanted to lower the cost for me? I just don’t know. I am going to call in the morning, there has to be some sort of recourse, I can’t afford all these bills! Please .. any advice? I’ve been sitting here in tears, I can’t sleep.. I just don’t know what to do.

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