Freedom life insurance need advise

Hello. I’m a travel nurse and I ended up selecting health insurance through freedom life insurance, which is through United Health.

At first in Oct 2021, they were 780 a month for myself, wife and son (4). Now they’re up to $1000 a month and it’s breaking the bank here.

I’m 39, wife is 34… I’m healthy and so is she we have not used the doctor for years.. I definitely need to go for routine checkups though but it has been difficult finding a pcp as a travel RN.

Anyways, I’m not good with health insurance so I turn to you all. I’m looking to cancel this insurance and go through the marketplace as my income has had a good drop. I qualified and I’m sorting through all the available plans.

I’ve also reas the sticky and I’m still somewhat confused …

The tax credit on these health insurance plans I’m receiving is $774. Do I use it all? Do I use some? I have an estimated income of 85k this year and I don’t know if my wife will work this year or not.

Secondly, I keep hearing about going through United healthcare private or Florida blue cross blue shield but they both just direct me to the marketplace anyways.

Not looking to be sold insurance but I am looking for advice on what I should be looking for… any suggestions?

Zip code is 34741 (Kissimmee,FL)

Thank you

submitted by /u/Javielee11

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