Forgot to cancel ACA before employer insurance began

Hi! First time poster, long time reader.

I made a silly mistake: My employer-sponsored insurance began on Oct 1, and I forgot to call my ACA Exchange insurance provider (Ambetter of Tennessee) to cancel. I finally realized this error and canceled on Nov 3. I am being told that I owe two months (Oct and Nov) of premiums to the ACA Exchange insurance provider, meaning I was accidentally double-insured during this period. This totals $742.16.

Some more details: I do not receive any ACA subsidies, I pay premiums in full. I have fully paid through the end of the month that I actually wanted to have ACA Exchange insurance (September). I did not make any claims on my ACA Exchange insurance during this period.

I've read online that sometimes when payment isn't made, insurers will "cancel for non-payment" starting with the first month that wasn't paid for. This is exactly what I want to happen, but I've spoken with supervisors at the ACA Exchange and at Ambetter of Tennessee, and they are telling me I need to pay.

Here are the paths forward as I see them:

Just wait. The insurer might end up canceling your coverage for non-payment all the way back to October. Pay now. There's no chance of reducing this bill, and you're risking it getting sent to collections and damaging your credit. Keep calling the ACA Exchange to escalate until you find a kind supervisor who will help. Be the squeaky wheel that gets the oil.

If you have any guidance on how to pursue path #3, please share! Navigating the ACA Exchange's formal appeals processes is a bit frustrating.

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Thanks so much for your help!

submitted by /u/zirpy2049