First time enrolling with employer’s insurance benefits


I started working for a company and they offer benefits including medical, dental, and vision. I’m a healthy 26 yr old male, and my current insurance is with Healthfirst Medicaid in NY, covers medical and dental.

I was wondering, if I enroll with my employer’s dental and medical insurance, do I need to call my current insurance and let them know I’ll be switching with my employer’s benefits? My company is offering UHC and Aetna, which I plan to go for Aetna’s cheapest option with higher deductible and Cigna’s PPO option. Any insights and thoughts are appreciated, since I’ve always been with Medicaid insurance.


Annual deductible: Individual: $3,000 Family: $6,000

Office visits: Primary Care Physician: 100% covered after deductible

Specialist: 30% after deductible

Coinsurance: 30% after deductible

Prescription drugs: Generic: 30% after deductible Brand formulary: 40% after deductible Brand non-formulary: 50% after deductible (retail or mail-order

Annual Out-of-Pocket Maximum: Individual: $6,000 Family: $12,000

submitted by /u/AliveCatch1929

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