Finding out about alternate insurance plan after payments to a provider – can I get a refund?


In advance, I am new to adulting and understanding how insurance works so please forgive, and correct me, if I am mistaken about anything.

I am a university student currently in Texas for the summer. I have Wellfleet insurance through my university, but I also have state health insurance in Texas under my parent’s plan. I have heard it referred to as a Marketplace plan.

I haven’t had much need to go to the doctor while I’m home, but in the last two months, I had some health issues come up. I visited urgent care twice, my GP, and an ENT specialist around 4 times and paid a few hundred dollars in co-pay under my parent’s plan. My family and I are a bit ignorant with how insurance works, so we used my state plan under the impression my university insurance would not work out-of-state (it was something we didn’t even consider).

It turns out my insurance works all over the country. If my providers are in-network, is there any way I could get a reimbursement for the previous services under my university insurance instead? All of these visits occurred within the last month.

Thank you and if there’s any other information I can provide please let me know!

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