Financial assistance/HRA question

Not sure if this is the correct subreddit for this so please direct me in the right direction if this is not the place!

Back in September I had a pretty severe knee injury which required surgery and lots of PT. Long story short, at EOY 2023 I submitted all of my claims from the hospital visits, surgery, etc. that year and ended up getting reimbursed around $7,000. Before I submitted these claims, I also had applied for financial assistance through the hospital, I didn’t know we had an HRA until December which is why I applied for financial assistance as well. Well, today I just got a call from the hospital saying my financial assistance was as approved and they discounted my balance by 73%, bringing my total balance down to around $2,500. So as of right now I have around $4,500 extra sitting in my account. What do I do here, do I just hold on to it to cover any future medical expenses, reach out to HR, reach out to my HRA provider, do nothing? This doesn’t feel morally right, and I don’t want this to come back and bite me in the ass. I have never had to deal with anything like this before so I am a little unsure of what to do.

Thanks for the help!!!

submitted by /u/Littleboof18

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