Family OOP reached but not individual OOP?

Trying to understand this: we have an individual OOP of $8500 and a family OOP of $17000. we are currently two adults and one kid, another kid on the way. It says „The out-of-pocket limit is the most you could pay in a year for covered services. If you have other family members in this plan, they have to meet their own out-of-pocket limits until the overall family out-of-pocket limit has been met.“

English is not my first language but I’m not sure if this means

1) each one of us has to reach $8500 before the family OOP is met (which then kind of makes the family OOP redundant) and worst case we pay $8500*4=$34000/year? 2) we have to get to $17000 overall and then the individual OOPs don’t matter anymore, so eg pregnancy/birth/postpartum will make me meet my $8500, baby another $1000 postpartum, my husband and older kid each have bills of $3750 – then we are at the max and no one has to pay anything else?

Please say it’s 2 😬

submitted by /u/Savings_Ad5315

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