Hello. My child was seen by a geneticist from a hospital. This is his third visit with the geneticist. The first was in person and the other two have been virtual. In the past, I was charged a single reasonable copay for a specialist visit. This time, I was charged a copay for the geneticist visit, a copay for doing an intake with the genetic counselor, and then an "facility component fee" for the genetic counselor. This was a virtual visit done from my home. It was simply a follow up appointment done every 2 years to see how my son is. No treatment was performed. BCBS filed the facility component fee under "hospital outpatient surgical and treatment services" and now I am responsible for a $150 copay. Which makes this appointment $230 vs the $45 my other appointments were. I contacted both the insurance company and the hospital and neither of them have been able to help me. Any advice on how to fight this? I am in Michigan.

submitted by /u/MundaneFriendship672

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