Hang in there for this backstory. I’m a stay at home mom with a 9 month old. My husbands job doesn’t provide us insurance, so I found a local private health insurance agent and he got us approved for an underwritten plan with United Healthcare. During the first month of coverage I realized that I was still being covered by my previous job for a few months, and my agent assured me that if I cancelled my new private plan, I’d be able to get approved again no problem when my previous health insurance expired. Well- a few months pass, and I was approved, but my 9 month old was denied due to small medical things- that were on her record the first time we were approved!! (Reflux- that she has since grown out of) My doctor wrote a note to insurance saying that my daughter is healthy with no medical issues, and asked them to reconsider. My agent said they’re still denying her do to “other things they found” (baby acne, clogged tear duct)- which were also already there when we were first approved!! There is literally no reason why my baby is getting denied. She is a perfectly healthy baby.

There have been other unmentioned issues with the agent as well (putting in our info wrong on the application making the price of our insurance go up- and I’m not able to be refunded, ect.), and I am at my wits end with this.. but I have NO idea what my options are. If I get another agent will that change anything? Is United healthcare the private only/best insurance option that I have? I literally have no clue what I’m doing, and I’m trusting this agent, but I feel like I’m getting screwed over here.

See also  North Carolina BCBS

Advice is so appreciated. Thanks!