Experience with using a health insurance broker?

I have a couple of questions. I am a healthy 23F from FL, however I am working seasonally at a ski/mountain bike resort in CO. My Mom turned 65 in June and enrolled in Medicare, so my health insurance with her ended. Soon after though, my Mom’s insurance broker reenrolled me in the same FL exchange plan, however I am now considered the subscriber instead of a dependent. Will my Mom be able to continue paying for my own health insurance despite being on Medicare?

Besides that, I will still need a health insurance plan in CO since my FL insurance doesn’t have coverage here anyway. I have to see a couple of specialists and a mental health counselor. I am completely new to doing this on my own, so I am not sure what plans I would be able to shop for with my very limited seasonal income (around 30k, maybe even less). I tried contacting a health broker who had 5 star reviews on Google, but he was very condescending on the phone, talked over me, and didn’t even follow up with me with plan options through email (admittedly I missed his first phone call but after we rescheduled he didn’t call back, I had to call first). It was very discouraging and I feel like I don’t have many resources to help me.

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