ERISA Fiduciary requirements + Claim Process Questions

My job operates on a self-funded plan with employees is SC and NC. It's my understanding that self-funded plans are not subject to state department of injury regulations.

We are nearing the end of the first quarter, and our health insurance is still processing claims from 2022. We got an email from our HR benefits manager stating that they're apologizing for implementing new platform, undergoing audits, and turnover.

What are regulatory requirements for processing claims? When processing claims, does the plan act as a fiduciary? If claims are being sent to collections because our plan hasn't provided coverage, what is the appropriate course of action? What is a reasonable time for the plan to process claims?

It's my understanding that ERISA is flexible and leaves that the to the plan to decide, but there has to be some reasonable requirement. How do I ask for that information?

submitted by /u/pay_purr_mew

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