Enrollment in 2024 Marketplace health plans during open enrollment reaches record high

Enrollment in 2024 Marketplace health plans during open enrollment reaches record high

During the open enrollment period for 2024 health coverage, more than 21.4 million people enrolled in private qualified health plans (QHPs) through the Marketplaces (exchanges) nationwide. This was a 31% increase over the previous record high set in 2023, when 16.4 million people enrolled in Marketplace QHPs.

In addition to the 21.4 million QHP enrollments, another 1.3 million people enrolled in the Basic Health Program (BHP) coverage offered via the Marketplaces in New York and Minnesota, for a total of more than 22.7 million enrollees.

There are a variety of factors that could be driving the increased enrollment in 2024, including the “unwinding” of the pandemic-era Medicaid continuous coverage rule, the continued enhancement of ACA premium subsidies under the American Rescue Plan and Inflation Reduction Act, as well as state-specific factors.

Medicaid unwinding

One significant reason for the 2024 enrollment growth is the Medicaid disenrollments that resumed in 2023 after being paused for three years during the pandemic. States could resume disenrollments as early as April 2023, and all states have been working to redetermine eligibility for everyone enrolled in Medicaid.

As of April 19, 2024, more than 20.3 million people had been disenrolled from Medicaid/CHIP. Some of these people have transitioned to employer-sponsored coverage or reenrolled in Medicaid or CHIP. However, some have enrolled in replacement coverage through the Marketplaces.

According to CMS data (for HealthCare.gov and here for state-based Marketplaces), more than 3.4 million people who had Medicaid/CHIP in March 2023 or a more recent month had enrolled in Marketplace QHPs by the end of December, along with more than 257,000 who had enrolled in BHP coverage.

The approximately 3.4 million “unwinding” QHP enrollees account for about two-thirds of the approximately 5.1 million additional Marketplace enrollments for 2024 versus 2023. (To clarify, it’s unlikely that everyone who transitioned from Medicaid to the Marketplace in 2023 kept their Marketplace coverage for 2024, so we can’t say that all approximately 3.4 million of the “unwinding” QHP enrollees are among the additional approximately 5.1 million QHP enrollees for 2024. However, the Medicaid unwinding is widely regarded as a primary driver of the enrollment increase in 2024).

A significant portion of the enrollment growth in 2024 was among lower-income enrollees, some of whom may have been among those disenrolled from Medicaid due to an income that increased above the Medicaid eligibility limits. For applicants with household incomes between 100% and 150% of the poverty level, enrollment was more than 54% higher in 2024 than it had been for 2023 Marketplace plans.

On the higher end of the income spectrum, enrollment was about 9% higher in 2024 than it had been in 2023 for enrollees with household income above 400% of the poverty level. (Details of enrollment by income ranges can be seen in the state-level public use files for 2023 and 2024.)

Continued enhancement of ACA subsidies

Not only is current Marketplace enrollment at a record high, but Marketplace enrollment has grown each year since 2021. This has largely been due to the subsidy enhancements created by the American Rescue Plan (ARP), which were extended through 2025 by the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA).

For 2024 coverage, 19.7 million QHP enrollees – 92% of the approximately 21.4 million total – are receiving advance premium tax credits (APTC). The average full-price Marketplace premium is $605, but the average after-APTC premium – even accounting for the 8% of enrollees who pay full price – is just $111/month. And nearly 9.4 million enrollees are paying no more than $10/month for their coverage, after APTC is applied.

Although the subsidy enhancements took effect in 2021, utilization of them has been steadily growing since then, helping to drive enrollment higher each year.

Future of subsidy enhancements uncertain

The subsidy enhancements will continue for 2025 health plans, but it will require a literal act of Congress to extend them past the end of 2025. (To clarify, the basic ACA premium subsidies will continue indefinitely; it’s only the ARP/IRA subsidy enhancements that are scheduled to sunset at the end of 2025.)

The Congressional Budget Office has projected that Marketplace enrollments would drop by about 3.2 million people in 2026 (compared to projected 2025 enrollment) if the APR subsidy enhancements are allowed to expire.

President Biden has called on Congress to make the ARP’s subsidy enhancements permanent. But there is political division on this issue, and the Republican Study Committee’s recently published budget proposal calls for the ARP/IRA enhancements of premium tax credits to end.

So while we can’t say what the future holds, we do know that Marketplace enrollment has reached an all-time high in 2024, driven largely by improved affordability as well as Medicaid disenrollments. And although open enrollment for 2024 coverage has ended everywhere except New York, consumers in every state can still enroll if they’re eligible for a special enrollment period.

State-by-state details

All but one state – and Washington, D.C. – saw year-over-year Marketplace QHP enrollment growth from 2023 to 2024. Maine was the only exception, with a 1.3% decrease in enrollment. Maine has clarified that this was due to an increase in the income limits for Medicaid eligibility for children and young adults, some of whom were able to transition from Marketplace plans to Medicaid starting in late 2023.

Washington DC’s year-over-year enrollment growth was only 0.2%, and six states – Alaska, California, Hawaii, Nevada, Oregon, and Wyoming – had enrollment growth under 10%.

But the rest of the country saw double-digit enrollment growth, including a staggering 80.2% increase in enrollment in West Virginia’s Marketplace, and six other states where the year-over-year enrollment growth exceeded 50%: Arkansas, Indiana, Louisiana, Mississippi, Ohio, and Tennessee.

Why enrollment in West Virginia spiked

According to West Virginia’s Office of the Insurance Commissioner, the sharp increase in enrollment this year was due to a combination of the ongoing ARP/IRA federal subsidy enhancements and the Medicaid unwinding – both discussed above – along with increased outreach and education on the part of insurance carriers and enrollment assisters. This included the first annual Cover West Virginia Day that was held in early January.

But it’s also worth noting that there were some changes in pricing dynamics in West Virginia that might have had an impact. The state confirmed that the carriers continue to set their own CSR-defunding load, as opposed to states like Texas and New Mexico, where state regulators set them.

(CSR-defunding load refers to the fact that the federal government stopped reimbursing insurers for the cost of cost-sharing reductions in late 2017, and carriers have been adding the cost to premiums since then. In most cases, the cost is added to Silver-level plans, which increases Silver plan prices and thus also increases premium tax credit amounts, which are based on the premium of the second-lowest-cost Silver plan.)

However, a 50-year-old in Charleston, WV, earning $40,000 in 2024 can get a Gold plan for as little as $124/month after subsidies, as opposed to the lowest-cost Silver plan which is $151/month. In other words, low-cost Silver plans are priced higher than low-cost Gold plans.

This drives up subsidy amounts – which are based on the price of the second-lowest-cost Silver plan – and results in Gold coverage being relatively more affordable. In 2023, that was not the case. The lowest-cost Gold plan was $208/month for a 50-year-old Charleston, WV resident earning $40,000, while the lowest-cost Silver plan was $190/month.

These pricing changes that ultimately made coverage more affordable — combined with Medicaid unwinding and the increased Marketplace outreach activities — resulted in a sharp increase in the number of West Virginia residents enrolled in Marketplace plans.

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How and why premiums vary from state to state

Pricing dynamics vary from one state to another. This includes how the available plans in a given area stack up against each other in price and CSR defunding loads. The bigger the pricing difference between the benchmark plan (second-lowest-cost Silver plan) and less-expensive plans, the more affordable those lower-priced plans will be after the subsidy is applied. And higher CSR defunding loads mean higher prices for Silver plans and thus larger premium subsidies.

There are also state variations in income, access to Medicaid, government support for the Marketplace, etc. Several states also offer additional state-funded subsidies, some of which are newly available or expanded as of 2024. With all that in mind, here’s a state-by-state summary of some of the data from the 2024 open enrollment period:

Open enrollment data highlights by state


386,195 – 2024 QHP enrollment total in Alabama
258,327 – 2023 QHP enrollment total in Alabama
5% increase – Percentage year-over-year change in total QHP enrollment
68,833 – Number of residents who transitioned from Medicaid to a QHP by December 2023
$656 – Average 2024 APTC (advance premium tax credit) per QHP enrollee
96% – Percentage of 2024 Marketplace enrollees who were determined eligible for APTC



27,464 – 2024 QHP enrollment total in Alaska
25,572 – 2023 QHP enrollment total in Alaska
4% increase – Percentage year-over-year change in total QHP enrollment
5,588 – Number of residents who transitioned from Medicaid to a QHP by December 2023
$865 – Average 2024 APTC (advance premium tax credit) per QHP enrollee
85% – Percentage of 2024 Marketplace enrollees who were determined eligible for APTC



348,055 – 2024 QHP enrollment total in Arizona
235,229 – 2023 QHP enrollment total in Arizona
96% increase – Percentage year-over-year change in total QHP enrollment
97,944 – Number of residents who transitioned from Medicaid to a QHP by December 2023
$452 – Average 2024 APTC (advance premium tax credit) per QHP enrollee
89% – Percentage of 2024 Marketplace enrollees who were determined eligible for APTC



156,607 – 2024 QHP enrollment total in Arkansas
100,407 – 2023 QHP enrollment total in Arkansas
97% increase – Percentage year-over-year change in total QHP enrollment
54,953 – Number of residents who transitioned from Medicaid to a QHP by December 2023
$476 – Average 2024 APTC (advance premium tax credit) per QHP enrollee
92% – Percentage of 2024 Marketplace enrollees who were determined eligible for APTC



1,784,653 – 2024 QHP enrollment total in California
1,739,368 – 2023 QHP enrollment total in California
60% increase – Percentage year-over-year change in total QHP enrollment
105,758 – Number of residents who transitioned from Medicaid to a QHP by December 2023
$526.00 – Average 2024 APTC (advance premium tax credit) per QHP enrollee



237,106 – 2024 QHP enrollment total in Colorado
201,758 – 2023 QHP enrollment total in Colorado
52% increase – Percentage year-over-year change in total QHP enrollment
12,108 – Number of residents who transitioned from Medicaid to a QHP by December 2023
$455 – Average 2024 APTC (advance premium tax credit) per QHP enrollee



129,000 – 2024 QHP enrollment total in Connecticut
108,132 – 2023 QHP enrollment total in Connecticut
30% increase – Percentage year-over-year change in total QHP enrollment
12,568 – Number of residents who transitioned from Medicaid to a QHP by December 2023
$766 – Average 2024 APTC (advance premium tax credit) per QHP enrollee
87% – Percentage of 2024 Marketplace enrollees who were determined eligible for APTC



44,842 – 2024 QHP enrollment total in Delaware
34,742 – 2023 QHP enrollment total in Delaware
07% increase – Percentage year-over-year change in total QHP enrollment
10,358 – Number of residents who transitioned from Medicaid to a QHP by December 2023
$585 – Average 2024 APTC (advance premium tax credit) per QHP enrollee
90% – Percentage of 2024 Marketplace enrollees who were determined eligible for APTC


District of Columbia

14,799 – 2024 QHP enrollment total in District of Columbia
14,768 – 2023 QHP enrollment total in District of Columbia
21% increase – Percentage year-over-year change in total QHP enrollment
39 – Number of residents who transitioned from Medicaid to a QHP by December 2023
$561 – Average 2024 APTC (advance premium tax credit) per QHP enrollee
21% – Percentage of 2024 Marketplace enrollees who were determined eligible for APTC



4,211,902 – 2024 QHP enrollment total in Florida
3,225,435 – 2023 QHP enrollment total in Florida
58% increase – Percentage year-over-year change in total QHP enrollment
565,925 – Number of residents who transitioned from Medicaid to a QHP by December 2023
$568 – Average 2024 APTC (advance premium tax credit) per QHP enrollee
97% – Percentage of 2024 Marketplace enrollees who were determined eligible for APTC



1,305,114 – 2024 QHP enrollment total in Georgia
879,084 – 2023 QHP enrollment total in Georgia
46% increase – Percentage year-over-year change in total QHP enrollment
196,448 – Number of residents who transitioned from Medicaid to a QHP by December 2023
$531 – Average 2024 APTC (advance premium tax credit) per QHP enrollee
96% – Percentage of 2024 Marketplace enrollees who were determined eligible for APTC



22,170 – 2024 QHP enrollment total in Hawaii
21,645 – 2023 QHP enrollment total in Hawaii
43% increase – Percentage year-over-year change in total QHP enrollment
4,085 – Number of residents who transitioned from Medicaid to a QHP by December 2023
$544 – Average 2024 APTC (advance premium tax credit) per QHP enrollee
82% – Percentage of 2024 Marketplace enrollees who were determined eligible for APTC



103,783 – 2024 QHP enrollment total in Idaho
79,927 – 2023 QHP enrollment total in Idaho
85% increase – Percentage year-over-year change in total QHP enrollment
13,671 – Number of residents who transitioned from Medicaid to a QHP by December 2023
$395 – Average 2024 APTC (advance premium tax credit) per QHP enrollee
86% – Percentage of 2024 Marketplace enrollees who were determined eligible for APTC



398,814 – 2024 QHP enrollment total in Illinois
342,995 – 2023 QHP enrollment total in Illinois
27% increase – Percentage year-over-year change in total QHP enrollment
75,718 – Number of residents who transitioned from Medicaid to a QHP by December 2023
$545 – Average 2024 APTC (advance premium tax credit) per QHP enrollee
89% – Percentage of 2024 Marketplace enrollees who were determined eligible for APTC



295,772 – 2024 QHP enrollment total in Indiana
185,354 – 2023 QHP enrollment total in Indiana
57% increase – Percentage year-over-year change in total QHP enrollment
91,553 – Number of residents who transitioned from Medicaid to a QHP by December 2023
$452 – Average 2024 APTC (advance premium tax credit) per QHP enrollee
89% – Percentage of 2024 Marketplace enrollees who were determined eligible for APTC



111,423 – 2024 QHP enrollment total in Iowa
82,704 – 2023 QHP enrollment total in Iowa
73% increase – Percentage year-over-year change in total QHP enrollment
28,596 – Number of residents who transitioned from Medicaid to a QHP by December 2023
$507 – Average 2024 APTC (advance premium tax credit) per QHP enrollee
89% – Percentage of 2024 Marketplace enrollees who were determined eligible for APTC



171,376 – 2024 QHP enrollment total in Kansas
124,473 – 2023 QHP enrollment total in Kansas
68% increase – Percentage year-over-year change in total QHP enrollment
22,561 – Number of residents who transitioned from Medicaid to a QHP by December 2023
$561 – Average 2024 APTC (advance premium tax credit) per QHP enrollee
93% – Percentage of 2024 Marketplace enrollees who were determined eligible for APTC

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75,317 – 2024 QHP enrollment total in Kentucky
62,562 – 2023 QHP enrollment total in Kentucky
39% increase – Percentage year-over-year change in total QHP enrollment
13,375 – Number of residents who transitioned from Medicaid to a QHP by December 2023
$497 – Average 2024 APTC (advance premium tax credit) per QHP enrollee
83% – Percentage of 2024 Marketplace enrollees who were determined eligible for APTC



212,493 – 2024 QHP enrollment total in Louisiana
120,804 – 2023 QHP enrollment total in Louisiana
90% increase – Percentage year-over-year change in total QHP enrollment
73,770 – Number of residents who transitioned from Medicaid to a QHP by December 2023
$647 – Average 2024 APTC (advance premium tax credit) per QHP enrollee
96% – Percentage of 2024 Marketplace enrollees who were determined eligible for APTC



62,586 – 2024 QHP enrollment total in Maine
63,388 – 2023 QHP enrollment total in Maine
27% decrease – Percentage year-over-year change in total QHP enrollment
1,052 – Number of residents who transitioned from Medicaid to a QHP by December 2023
$564 – Average 2024 APTC (advance premium tax credit) per QHP enrollee
84% – Percentage of 2024 Marketplace enrollees who were determined eligible for APTC



213,895 – 2024 QHP enrollment total in Maryland
182,166 – 2023 QHP enrollment total in Maryland
42% increase – Percentage year-over-year change in total QHP enrollment
43,034 – Number of residents who transitioned from Medicaid to a QHP by December 2023
$388 – Average 2024 APTC (advance premium tax credit) per QHP enrollee
77% – Percentage of 2024 Marketplace enrollees who were determined eligible for APTC



311,199 – 2024 QHP enrollment total in Massachusetts
232,621 – 2023 QHP enrollment total in Massachusetts
78% increase – Percentage year-over-year change in total QHP enrollment
63,815 – Number of residents who transitioned from Medicaid to a QHP by December 2023
$385 – Average 2024 APTC (advance premium tax credit) per QHP enrollee
80% – Percentage of 2024 Marketplace enrollees who were determined eligible for APTC



418,100 – 2024 QHP enrollment total in Michigan
322,273 – 2023 QHP enrollment total in Michigan
73% increase – Percentage year-over-year change in total QHP enrollment
106,503 – Number of residents who transitioned from Medicaid to a QHP by December 2023
$426 – Average 2024 APTC (advance premium tax credit) per QHP enrollee
89% – Percentage of 2024 Marketplace enrollees who were determined eligible for APTC



135,001 – 2024 QHP enrollment total in Minnesota
118,431 – 2023 QHP enrollment total in Minnesota
99% increase – Percentage year-over-year change in total QHP enrollment
9,748 – Number of residents who transitioned from Medicaid to a QHP by December 2023
$351 – Average 2024 APTC (advance premium tax credit) per QHP enrollee
58% – Percentage of 2024 Marketplace enrollees who were determined eligible for APTC



286,410 – 2024 QHP enrollment total in Mississippi
183,478 – 2023 QHP enrollment total in Mississippi
10% increase – Percentage year-over-year change in total QHP enrollment
52,760 – Number of residents who transitioned from Medicaid to a QHP by December 2023
$592 – Average 2024 APTC (advance premium tax credit) per QHP enrollee
98% – Percentage of 2024 Marketplace enrollees who were determined eligible for APTC



359,369 – 2024 QHP enrollment total in Missouri
257,629 – 2023 QHP enrollment total in Missouri
49% increase – Percentage year-over-year change in total QHP enrollment
92,356 – Number of residents who transitioned from Medicaid to a QHP by December 2023
$594 – Average 2024 APTC (advance premium tax credit) per QHP enrollee
94% – Percentage of 2024 Marketplace enrollees who were determined eligible for APTC



66,336 – 2024 QHP enrollment total in Montana
53,860 – 2023 QHP enrollment total in Montana
16% increase – Percentage year-over-year change in total QHP enrollment
15,973 – Number of residents who transitioned from Medicaid to a QHP by December 2023
$504 – Average 2024 APTC (advance premium tax credit) per QHP enrollee
88% – Percentage of 2024 Marketplace enrollees who were determined eligible for APTC



117,882 – 2024 QHP enrollment total in Nebraska
101,490 – 2023 QHP enrollment total in Nebraska
15% increase – Percentage year-over-year change in total QHP enrollment
16,820 – Number of residents who transitioned from Medicaid to a QHP by December 2023
$580 – Average 2024 APTC (advance premium tax credit) per QHP enrollee
95% – Percentage of 2024 Marketplace enrollees who were determined eligible for APTC



99,312 – 2024 QHP enrollment total in Nevada
96,379 – 2023 QHP enrollment total in Nevada
04% increase – Percentage year-over-year change in total QHP enrollment
3,872 – Number of residents who transitioned from Medicaid to a QHP by December 2023
$438 – Average 2024 APTC (advance premium tax credit) per QHP enrollee
86% – Percentage of 2024 Marketplace enrollees who were determined eligible for APTC


New Hampshire

65,117 – 2024 QHP enrollment total in New Hampshire
54,557 – 2023 QHP enrollment total in New Hampshire
36% increase – Percentage year-over-year change in total QHP enrollment
16,969 – Number of residents who transitioned from Medicaid to a QHP by December 2023
$350 – Average 2024 APTC (advance premium tax credit) per QHP enrollee
72% – Percentage of 2024 Marketplace enrollees who were determined eligible for APTC


New Jersey

397,942 – 2024 QHP enrollment total in New Jersey
341,901 – 2023 QHP enrollment total in New Jersey
39% increase – Percentage year-over-year change in total QHP enrollment
24,739 – Number of residents who transitioned from Medicaid to a QHP by December 2023
$521 – Average 2024 APTC (advance premium tax credit) per QHP enrollee
88% – Percentage of 2024 Marketplace enrollees who were determined eligible for APTC


New Mexico

56,472 – 2024 QHP enrollment total in New Mexico
40,778 – 2023 QHP enrollment total in New Mexico
49% increase – Percentage year-over-year change in total QHP enrollment
3,851 – Number of residents who transitioned from Medicaid to a QHP by December 2023
$551 – Average 2024 APTC (advance premium tax credit) per QHP enrollee
82% – Percentage of 2024 Marketplace enrollees who were determined eligible for APTC


New York

288,681 – 2024 QHP enrollment total in New York
214,052 – 2023 QHP enrollment total in New York
86% increase – Percentage year-over-year change in total QHP enrollment
59,849 – Number of residents who transitioned from Medicaid to a QHP by December 2023
$455 – Average 2024 APTC (advance premium tax credit) per QHP enrollee
71% – Percentage of 2024 Marketplace enrollees who were determined eligible for APTC


North Carolina

1,027,930 – 2024 QHP enrollment total in North Carolina
800,850 – 2023 QHP enrollment total in North Carolina
35% increase – Percentage year-over-year change in total QHP enrollment
231,141 – Number of residents who transitioned from Medicaid to a QHP by December 2023
$558 – Average 2024 APTC (advance premium tax credit) per QHP enrollee
95% – Percentage of 2024 Marketplace enrollees who were determined eligible for APTC


North Dakota

38,535 – 2024 QHP enrollment total in North Dakota
34,130 – 2023 QHP enrollment total in North Dakota
91% increase – Percentage year-over-year change in total QHP enrollment
4,310 – Number of residents who transitioned from Medicaid to a QHP by December 2023
$433 – Average 2024 APTC (advance premium tax credit) per QHP enrollee
90% – Percentage of 2024 Marketplace enrollees who were determined eligible for APTC

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477,793 – 2024 QHP enrollment total in Ohio
294,644 – 2023 QHP enrollment total in Ohio
16% increase – Percentage year-over-year change in total QHP enrollment
131,800 – Number of residents who transitioned from Medicaid to a QHP by December 2023
$498 – Average 2024 APTC (advance premium tax credit) per QHP enrollee
89% – Percentage of 2024 Marketplace enrollees who were determined eligible for APTC



277,436 – 2024 QHP enrollment total in Oklahoma
203,157 – 2023 QHP enrollment total in Oklahoma
56% increase – Percentage year-over-year change in total QHP enrollment
88,656 – Number of residents who transitioned from Medicaid to a QHP by December 2023
$575 – Average 2024 APTC (advance premium tax credit) per QHP enrollee
96% – Percentage of 2024 Marketplace enrollees who were determined eligible for APTC



145,509 – 2024 QHP enrollment total in Oregon
141,963 – 2023 QHP enrollment total in Oregon
50% increase – Percentage year-over-year change in total QHP enrollment
25,869 – Number of residents who transitioned from Medicaid to a QHP by December 2023
$524 – Average 2024 APTC (advance premium tax credit) per QHP enrollee
81% – Percentage of 2024 Marketplace enrollees who were determined eligible for APTC



434,571 – 2024 QHP enrollment total in Pennsylvania
371,516 – 2023 QHP enrollment total in Pennsylvania
97% increase – Percentage year-over-year change in total QHP enrollment
57,547 – Number of residents who transitioned from Medicaid to a QHP by December 2023
$530 – Average 2024 APTC (advance premium tax credit) per QHP enrollee
87% – Percentage of 2024 Marketplace enrollees who were determined eligible for APTC


Rhode Island

36,121 – 2024 QHP enrollment total in Rhode Island
29,626 – 2023 QHP enrollment total in Rhode Island
92% increase – Percentage year-over-year change in total QHP enrollment
2,260 – Number of residents who transitioned from Medicaid to a QHP by December 2023
$454 – Average 2024 APTC (advance premium tax credit) per QHP enrollee
86% – Percentage of 2024 Marketplace enrollees who were determined eligible for APTC


South Carolina

571,175 – 2024 QHP enrollment total in South Carolina
382,968 – 2023 QHP enrollment total in South Carolina
14% increase – Percentage year-over-year change in total QHP enrollment
143,780 – Number of residents who transitioned from Medicaid to a QHP by December 2023
$553 – Average 2024 APTC (advance premium tax credit) per QHP enrollee
96% – Percentage of 2024 Marketplace enrollees who were determined eligible for APTC


South Dakota

52,974 – 2024 QHP enrollment total in South Dakota
47,591 – 2023 QHP enrollment total in South Dakota
31% increase – Percentage year-over-year change in total QHP enrollment
6,624 – Number of residents who transitioned from Medicaid to a QHP by December 2023
$611 – Average 2024 APTC (advance premium tax credit) per QHP enrollee
95% – Percentage of 2024 Marketplace enrollees who were determined eligible for APTC



555,103 – 2024 QHP enrollment total in Tennessee
348,097 – 2023 QHP enrollment total in Tennessee
47% increase – Percentage year-over-year change in total QHP enrollment
87,967 – Number of residents who transitioned from Medicaid to a QHP by December 2023
$580 – Average 2024 APTC (advance premium tax credit) per QHP enrollee
95% – Percentage of 2024 Marketplace enrollees who were determined eligible for APTC



3,484,632 – 2024 QHP enrollment total in Texas
2,410,810 – 2023 QHP enrollment total in Texas
54% increase – Percentage year-over-year change in total QHP enrollment
481,099 – Number of residents who transitioned from Medicaid to a QHP by December 2023
$536 – Average 2024 APTC (advance premium tax credit) per QHP enrollee
96% – Percentage of 2024 Marketplace enrollees who were determined eligible for APTC



366,939 – 2024 QHP enrollment total in Utah
295,196 – 2023 QHP enrollment total in Utah
30% increase – Percentage year-over-year change in total QHP enrollment
42,419 – Number of residents who transitioned from Medicaid to a QHP by December 2023
$421 – Average 2024 APTC (advance premium tax credit) per QHP enrollee
95% – Percentage of 2024 Marketplace enrollees who were determined eligible for APTC



30,027 – 2024 QHP enrollment total in Vermont
25,664 – 2023 QHP enrollment total in Vermont
00% increase – Percentage year-over-year change in total QHP enrollment
4,050 – Number of residents who transitioned from Medicaid to a QHP by December 2023
$702 – Average 2024 APTC (advance premium tax credit) per QHP enrollee
89% – Percentage of 2024 Marketplace enrollees who were determined eligible for APTC



400,058 – 2024 QHP enrollment total in Virginia
346,140 – 2023 QHP enrollment total in Virginia
58% increase – Percentage year-over-year change in total QHP enrollment
22,652 – Number of residents who transitioned from Medicaid to a QHP by December 2023
$405 – Average 2024 APTC (advance premium tax credit) per QHP enrollee
87% – Percentage of 2024 Marketplace enrollees who were determined eligible for APTC




272,494 – 2024 QHP enrollment total in Washington
230,371 – 2023 QHP enrollment total in Washington
28% increase – Percentage year-over-year change in total QHP enrollment
53,113 – Number of residents who transitioned from Medicaid to a QHP by December 2023
$453 – Average 2024 APTC (advance premium tax credit) per QHP enrollee
71% – Percentage of 2024 Marketplace enrollees who were determined eligible for APTC


West Virginia

51,046 – 2024 QHP enrollment total in West Virginia
28,325 – 2023 QHP enrollment total in West Virginia
22% increase – Percentage year-over-year change in total QHP enrollment
19,812 – Number of residents who transitioned from Medicaid to a QHP by December 2023
$1,035 – Average 2024 APTC (advance premium tax credit) per QHP enrollee
97% – Percentage of 2024 Marketplace enrollees who were determined eligible for APTC



266,327 – 2024 QHP enrollment total in Wisconsin
221,128 – 2023 QHP enrollment total in Wisconsin
44% increase – Percentage year-over-year change in total QHP enrollment
48,354 – Number of residents who transitioned from Medicaid to a QHP by December 2023
$572 – Average 2024 APTC (advance premium tax credit) per QHP enrollee
88% – Percentage of 2024 Marketplace enrollees who were determined eligible for APTC



42,293 – 2024 QHP enrollment total in Wyoming
38,565 – 2023 QHP enrollment total in Wyoming
67% increase – Percentage year-over-year change in total QHP enrollment
4,264 – Number of residents who transitioned from Medicaid to a QHP by December 2023
$863 – Average 2024 APTC (advance premium tax credit) per QHP enrollee
95% – Percentage of 2024 Marketplace enrollees who were determined eligible for APTC



2024 QHP enrollment totals – CMS.gov
2023 QHP enrollment totals – CMS.gov
Number of residents who transitioned from Medicaid to a QHP by December 2023 (FFM states) – Medicaid.gov
Number of residents who transitioned from Medicaid to a QHP by December 2023 (SBM states) – Medicaid.gov
Average 2024 APTC – CMS.gov
Percentage of enrollees eligible for APTC – CMS.gov



Louise Norris is an individual health insurance broker who has been writing about health insurance and health reform since 2006. She has written dozens of opinions and educational pieces about the Affordable Care Act for healthinsurance.org.