Enrolled in multiple insurance plans


I am under 26 years old and enrolled on my mother's insurance plan. About 2 years ago I enrolled in my state's medical assistance program (United Healthcare) due to a medical accident, and not being able to afford my mother's insurance deductible (I believe it was something crazy like $10k, my medical bills are well past that). This past year, I began graduate school. I signed up for the graduate health plan, assuming it was a program for things that are covered at the clinic on campus, but it is a graduate health plan from blue cross blue shield.

Here is my dilemma: My medical bills as of recent have been going to my mother's insurance (primary) then to the state insurance (secondary). And everything has been fine – even if the claims are denied from the secondary, the state subsidizes that (from what I can gather, I might be wrong. However, I have not received any medical bills in the past; I get frequent costly treatments for a chronic condition I have). I just received a call from the doctor's office saying they found the school's policy, and are getting kick-back from my other 2 insurances about coordination of care. My claims are now being denied because of this.

My question: Who do I call? Should I call the billing department at the hospital? Do I call my mother's insurance, the school insurance, then the state? This seems like a cluster-f*ck. Also reading this back I know I sound so stupid. I am sorry. I'm 22.

submitted by /u/Kindly-Permission-78

See also  SPOTLIGHT: NHI IN FOCUS (PART TWO): Where are we in the National Health Insurance legislative process and what happens next? - Daily Maverick