Employer only offers two fixed limited indemnity plans but I will lose medicaid due to income increase

I started a full-time job March 20th that will make me ineligible for medicaid because of income by the end of the month. My employer offers two MEC plans that are not major medical insurance or are substitutes per the plan pamphlet. I have to pick a plan by 4/20 if i want coverage. In these plans there are no out of pocket maximums. Co pay for 5 doctor/specialist appointments, they pay a fixed amount for certain services. This crap would literally bankrupt me due to ongoing chronic conditions and eye conditions I'm getting treated for.

I sent medicaid information on 3/26 and they haven't gotten back to me so I called them and was told they aren't done processing information. They said based off information I can go to marketplace and apply for coverage putting an termination date for end of month.

I applied on the marketplace and was told to put no the employer doesn't offer health coverage and no it doesn't meet minimum value by one representative and qualified for subsidies but was told different information by two others even after explaining about limited indemnity plans my employer claims meets minimum value.

I don't want to go bankrupt from medical stuff via limited indemnity plans or not having any coverage at all yet I'm not trying to owe IRS thousands of dollars if they deem me not eligible for tax credits. This is frustrating.

submitted by /u/Inevitable_Week_8626

See also  March Medicaid Madness