Employer not deducting insurance from paycheck?

BCBSTX PPO – eff. March 2024

Long time lurker, first time poster and I’ve run into a bit of an issue and just want to get an idea of what might happen next as this is my first time having insurance since entering adulthood, yay!

To cut the story short, I was given my card back in April and have already used it for a few visits + a hospital visit. My insurance has been active and covering what I’ve been going into at their contracted rate so far, so it’s been getting paid thankfully. Unfortunately, my employer has not been getting paid by me based on my paystubs from the past few months.

I know a lot of the blame falls on myself, since I never really verified as I wasn’t sure how it would be listed on my paystub (I assumed me filling out the paperwork would be enough, now I know better). Just curious as to what happens now— I’m guessing I’ll have to pay back what they haven’t been taking these past few months? Is that how it works? My manager got in touch with the main office and we’re waiting to hear back atm. Just want to be prepared for whatever they end up telling me as I’m afraid I will never financially recover from this /s (kinda)

Thank you for taking the time to read this + respond!

submitted by /u/httpsleepy

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