Employer Never removed me from subscriber

Mere venting: I had sent an email to my employer back in February 2022 to have myself taken off of the health insurance for my company as I was already covered under my husband’s health insurance. The next paycheck showed me as not paying for the insurance through my company any more. Low and behold I started getting bills from facilities as my new insurance was acting as dual and not as primary. My employer failed to remove me as subscriber and I was not aware of this until months later.

I kindly and urgently asked my employer to remove me as I was already covered under another family plan (not needing any dual insurance, since that just doesn’t make sense). I also asked for my account to be retro-activated to end when I had initially asked. Apparently, according to BCBS RI, this cannot happen. So I now have to backtrack with everything BCBS MA (new insurance) didn’t cover and have everything sent from that time period to BCBS RI. It’s just been complete nightmare to deal with as middle man, especially on top of some major sh!t we have been going through with infertility appointments. I receive bills that should have been covered and I am the person who has to resubmit everything back through the health facility. Every. Single. Claim.

Note: There was NEVER any gap in coverage.

Additional note: I am extremely upset about my employer doing this to me and causing me all this stress. I have an underlying stress disorder as it is and this has made my life drastically worse. It has resulted in horrible acne, lack of sleep, and missed period cycles.

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