Employer Insurance info incorrect at the time of enrolling now left holding the bag

Hi there! looking for some advice as im in insurance hell right now.
Currently looking to have a procedure I’ve been planning to have for the past 3.5 years, so elected a higher premium insurance to help cover the costs at a platinum level with starbucks, at the cost of substantially reduced income. Seems like a good idea right?
During the enrollment period I searched up that my Dr. was in network using the starbucks enrollment website and confirming with the Drs. website that she was in network with Aetna POS.
Since october and until now we’re figuring out that it’s actually out of network because it’s an Aetna APCN plan, I’ve checked all over back and forth and never seen the name of APCN (spelled out as well) in my benefits, starbucks benefits website and SOB (Only mentioned the plan was a Aetna POS) that’s given during enrollment.
This really sucks because now im at a projected cost of $11.5k that could’ve been $1600 for the entire thing. Any grounds for me trying to change networks within my employer due to these mistakes or did I just not dig around far enough? Just trying anything to figure it out.
Also considering enrolling with ACA and dropping this insurance as it’ll be in network but cant confirm if everyone I need is in network. Iffy especially if it’s going to cover gender affirming care vs where I know atleast starbucks insurance will (albeit not alot) have some covered due to them following Washington St. insurance guidelines (washington st. company = washington st. insurance even if outside of washington st 😉 )

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Looking for any help and any ideas that might help! Super stressed right now and confused about the issues I found on the starbucks end and would prefer to not pay $11.5k