employer coverage not covering treatment it used to

I am really hoping someone can please, please help me! The company I have been working for for 7 years changed heath insurance companies for this year. In late March/early April, i was informed that my new insurance company doesnt cover the long term treatment I am on, that had always been covered (after the deductible) previously. They also dont cover any alternate options. So on top of the $700 for insurance, i have to pay the 400 for treatment out of pocket, which i cant afford. I was hoping to switch to part time which would mean i wouldnt qualify for the insurance at work, and then get a marketplace plan until i can get a new job with better coverage. My work is telling me they will not drop the coverage, which may mean I have to just quit, which i really do not want to do. I swear i read something about being able to drop for a big change in benefits like this, but now that im freaking out i cant find anything about it. Any insights?

submitted by /u/deathbyinsurance

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