Employer coverage for me, Medicare for Spouse–Add Spouse to my coverage?

My spouse is disabled and has had Medicare Part B before our marriage and most recently, a Medicare Advantage plan. Will probably continue with same for 2024. I have employer coverage and while reviewing options during open enrollment, I decided I could afford to add spouse to my employer insurance. I take the lowest cost plan (only one I can afford to add spouse to), plus employer insurance is not great and I rarely use it because I can't afford the bills that come along with it. The employer provider is the same as the Medicare Advantage provider.

My question is, will it be beneficial for my spouse to have additional coverage through my employer along with the Medicare, or are there potential pitfalls that I should be aware of? It already looks like I'll have to abandon my HSA, which with the employer contributions, pays for about 58% of my medical premiums for the year. My goal with the additional coverage would be to eliminate/diminish copays, prescription costs and the occasional hospital bill for my spouse. Indiana.

submitted by /u/moot17

See also  Adding Foreign Wife to Health Insurance