Employer cancelled my Cobra without notice or cause (IN)

I didn’t even know that this happened until I started getting text messages from “my insurance company” (MHS?). I got concerned, and logged into my insurance app, and saw that I now no longer had insurance on file because “your plan has ended”. I freaked. I am still freaking.

I started with calling said insurance company, and they said I was now enrolled in Medicaid? I never signed up for it, filled out any forms, nor even called/texted/emailed them! They said to call my employer’s service center to “resubmit the Cobra claim as Urgent”. The Service Center Rep said it wasn’t that easy, “I don’t see why it was cancelled”, and submitted a ticket. I am now stuck without insurance, having already used COBRA before all this started, have not yet paid (‘hits’ Feb 3 for a 2 month payment), and I have multiple follow ups for a surgery I just had (one is later today).

Am I stuck, waiting for the ticket to be resolved, or is there something I can do?

I had, before my old insurance lapsed (before Cobra), looked into healthcare. gov, but when I saw that Medicaid was my only option, I signed up for Cobra. I never got contacted, never called/emailed/texted. I never filled out a form for Medicaid. Logging into healthcare. gov, still says that an agent will contact me, not that I’m enrolled, not what my payments are (i still have no clue about that), and not even what it covers.

EDIT: I did look up causes for my employer to cancel Cobra, but none of it apply.

See also  CDPAP (NY)