Employee health insurance vs medicaid

I need everyone's honest opinion, and I am aware that people feel a certain type of way about medicaid…that's completely understandable. For decades I and my spouse had employee health insurance for the family,both worked..life was good..then my spouse passed..We have therapy appointments and many appointments..

I was unaware that unless I made over a certain amount of money I would be directed to medicaid for myself and children,humbling and now greatful that safety net was there..I work while there in school every day,part time

My children are all under 16..here's my hypothetical for the community:IF through work as a FULL time employee yearly medical would cost around 7k for us all..would you work FT or continue PT and stay on medicaid?

Yearly maybe 40k a year take out 7k just for medical..down to 33k..factor in taxes..Does it seem worth it at this point?Working part time I make about 30k right now..

I'm stuck because I enjoy working,I'm comfortable no debt no mortgage..so nothing is pressing..I think it's just getting comfortable with this "free medical"IE medicaid..It's so easy no co-pays no bills after..It's not ever been a reality for me and i am afraid of it becoming a crutch..

submitted by /u/RiskSure4509

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