Due to a website error the therapist I’ve been seeing ended up being out of network, is there any hope of making this affordable?

I have functional neurological disorder (fnd), as well as a history of depression (was hospitaized last year over it), anxiety, and adhd. Fnd is actually really serious and therapy is a major part of treatment. Antidepressants/anxiety meds haven't been working with me since the fnd symptoms started.

I was looking for a therapist in network, but somehow the search engine for psychology today had a bug and had this therapist under the search. I've been seeing this therapist for couple of months and is the best I've ever had.

I'm just wondering if there is any way to work the system? I'm in md. Would a secondary insurance with a very low out of network deductible even be a thing? We are already using the fsa money for my special needs son's specialists. Would there even be a possibility of insurance making an exception? I'm just trying to avoid having a setback with my health.

submitted by /u/KlutzyBlueDuck

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