Dual Coverage NY Primary vs Secondary

Looking for a little advice from those that know better on this subject. Basic info is Location NY 23yrs old Plan A dependent on parents Excellus Plan B employer offered MVP Offerings 1. Zero cost/$6000 deductible 2. $20/week/$4000 deductible 3. $57/week/$2000 deductible Main reason for wanting to take up the employer health care plan is eligibility for an HSA account with a $1000/yr employer contribution As for me I don't really have any special medical needs that cost an exorbitant amount of money, just the usual yearly check up and maybe a visit for one or two odd ball issues every year From what I understand if I take the employer offered plan and remain under my parents plan as a dependent my parents plan will be defaulted to secondary coverage with the employer coverage being primary. That being said is it worth the gamble of taking up the employer insurance for the ability to save up the tax deferred money in the HSA and get the employer contributions every year and save that money for later when I may need it?

submitted by /u/Mtbjak

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