I'm a Kaiser employee and have Kaiser insurance through work so this is my primary. I want to have the flexibility of seeing providers out of network if needed so I got on my husbands insurance through BCBS as secondary. I just went to make an appointment to see an OB at Providence in Oregon and when I told them my primary insurance is Kaiser and my secondary is BCBS, they refused to let me make an appointment. I said they can bill Kaiser for my appointment as my primary and when they deny it (which they will because its out of network) the bill will go to BCBS and it will cover it (or a portion of it). The receptionist told me that due to a "new policy" they will no longer see patients that have Kaiser as their primary insurance. They won't bill Kaiser or my secondary for the visit.

I've never heard of this before and it sounds outrageous! I pay for both insurance plans so why shouldn't I be able to coordinate my benefits? Is this legal?

Edit to add-

Age: 42

State: Oregon

Estimated gross (pre-tax) income: 120K

submitted by /u/Miss_Dahl_23

See also  Employer not deducting insurance from paycheck?