Hey there –

There are quite a few posts about dual medical coverage but here's my scenario. I have coverage with United Healthcare through my employer (government) and my husband has added me with Kaiser Permanente through his employer (KP). We both have great benefits but his copay is $5 less and I'm able to contribute way more to my HSA now that I'm with UHC.

I've heard that since UHC is my primary healthcare, I would need to use them first. I've been with Kaiser for 30+ years and am familiar with the system and like my PCP. My question is: am I able to continue to use Kaiser or will I be charged for visits and prescriptions since my primary insurance is through UHC.

I read that I might a Coordination of Benefits but don't see anything on KP Southern California website. Prior to me switching to UHC, we all had dual coverage but added each other to our KP plans. We never had to pay copays but I'd like to stick with UHC it's cheaper and I can use the rest of my spending for an HSA.

submitted by /u/thisamthat

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