Dropped from health insurance mid year


Health insurance through my job is around $600/mo for the low deductible plan. I have a lot of health issues and went with marketplace insurance for $400/mo. I fucked up and got behind on paying independently. I have ADHD and bipolar disorder among many other things and got dumped by the love of my life had a mental breakdown and just completely fucked up on paying this super important bill.

Now of course I owe some mental health professionals a lot of money and don't have insurance to cover my meds for the rest of the year. I am going to search for manufacturer coupons for meds I hope I can make it work.

Does anyone have any other advice?

Might go with employer provided health care next year to avoid this :/ I am just worried about converting to an employee at the place I'm contracted out to and having two deductibles to pay but I need to prioritize having health insurance since I'm on so many prescriptions and need regular physical and mental health care.

submitted by /u/cinnabetch

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