Double health insurance for the kids after divorce?

I am finding conflicting information so I figured I ask to see if someone can clear things up for me. Long story short, divorced parents, 2 kids. Kids are on the policy of their biological dad, but we want to add them to our policy to make things smoother. Their dad doesn't want to remove the kids from his policy. Is it possible to have double insurance for the kids?

And now the full story. My wife and her ex-husband have joint custody over our 2 kids. Until now the kids were on their dad's health insurance policy. Lately it's become a pain to coordinate this, like we want to find a new provider, but their dad is not letting us know the details of the policy so we are unable to find a good in-network provider. This is just so inconvenient and it's not good for the kids either.

Can we add the kids to our family plan with a different insurance provider (under my name)? This would make things so much easier since we didn't have to coordinate with their biological father. I am not sure if the divorce agreement specifies which parent should pay for the health insurance. In the last couple years, we claimed one kid on our tax return, and the other one was claimed by their father (in case this matters). I read something about parent's birthday deciding which insurance is primary, but I am not sure if that applies in this case since the biological parents are divorced. Thanks for any pointers!

submitted by /u/justneedtoventttt

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