Don’t know where to start but need help.

On mobile, so apologies for formatting.

My son's girlfriend (17F) recently graduated from HS. Home life is not the best and she moved in with our family. She turns 18 in August. Her parents have pretty much just cut off contact.

She has had lingering health issues for a while and today we thought she might need to go in. We reached out to her parents explaining she was ill and could we get her health insurance info. We told them we would cover Co pays, deductibles, etc.

They responded this evening that she doesn't have health insurance, only vision insurance. That doesn't seem right, but maybe they are correct.

We have some friends of the family that are doctors and they talked with her. It was their opinion this wasn't an emergency and were able to give her a care plan and it seems like it is working.

Our questions can she get medical help if we take her to an urgent care clinic? Will they deny service since she is under 18? We are happy to cover the cost of any appointments. As long as someone is paying, will they see her?

Her parents have not helped her with getting any sort of state ID. So no real documentation. She does have her birth certificate and SS card. I know failure to provide health care can be considered an abuse issue, but by the time CPS would be able to get anything done, she will be 18.

Thoughts? When she turns 18 we are planning on helping with getting state ID and then learners permit, drivers license, etc… Can she apply for Medicare at that point until she is able to find employer provided health care?

See also  Please help, impending several thousand dollar bill that I was told would be covered!

We live in TX.

Any advice , guidance, etc… will be appreciated.

submitted by /u/EvenDavidABednar