Don’t know if Medical will apply
Back in November 4, 2022, I renewed by health insurance in California and was Medical approved by the state. I get a bill in the middle of December to pay $11 for my health insurance in January.
But then on December 24, 2022 without my knowledge, the county rejected my claim. I didn't realize this until January when I logged back onto my account to pay February dues. Turns out that I was not on the health plan I had purchased anymore. The county rejected my claim because I had left my old job back in November and the county wanted proof that I left my old job.
So after I did all of that, it took the county until the end of February to approve my Medical once again. But the problem was open enrollment had already ended. So when I apply online for health coverage, all these prices are giving me no tax credit. I have a low income and don't want to pay $300 a month for health insurance.
How do I purchase health insurance with the Medical with lower prices? I was supposed to pay $11 a month originally and I want that plan back.
submitted by /u/valleyridge18