does this mean a surgical extraction is not covered?

21F, college student under father’s employer health insurance.

So under Oral Surgery benefits on page 58 at I’m not sure id this is the correct EOB but the Anthem website is not helping me. Anyway it says “Removal of impacted wisdom teeth.” and then right under that says “This Plan does not cover extraction of teeth, surgery for impacted teeth, and other oral surgeries to treat the teeth or bones and gums directly supporting the teeth.”

I thought… that impacted teeth needed surgical extraction and that’s what the “oral surgery” part was for? When I called the help line for my provider they said that impacted wisdom teeth would be covered under medical. I have used all my dental benefit coverage due to an accident earlier this year requiring a root canal and two crowns, so I can’t use that and was banking on medical coverage. I have one horizontally impacted tooth and two others that will be examined in consultation.

submitted by /u/kitoodle

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