Does staying at a dorm in college affect my health insurance? (CareSource)

Long story short, my mother is/was very controlling, to the point where she would be in control of all my finances and stuff even when I turned 18. A few years have passed since I have turned 18 and I feel like things have gotten slightly better. I have full control over (most of) my savings, I’ve been staying with my girlfriend for the whole summer, and now I’m going to stay in my university dorm for the semester.
However, with the semester coming closer, my mother is pulling more and more cards to try and make me stay at home. Now she is saying that if I get a dorm at the university, it will void or affect my (CareSource) health insurance? Is this true?

The university is in the same state as my mother’s house. I have been commuting between the two since starting college but the house in on the very edge of the acceptable commuting radius (I believe it is 50 miles and the house is 48 miles from the university) so staying in a dorm is almost the exact price as paying for gas once a week.

submitted by /u/throwaway919537

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