Does "Non-Formulary" mean "We’re not paying"?

If I am currently uninsured (working part time without benefits and did not secure ACA health insurance during open enrollment) and I need to have surgery before open enrollment next year, can I quit my part time job to join another with benefits to gain health insurance? Do I need to wait til 2023?

I've narrowed next year's health insurance options down to two companies and plans. According to the site, neither cover my Vyvanse, but when I double checked with a different company, it was actually covered, just as a non-preferred drug, so it was a bit more expensive but still "only" $45 instead of $450. Looking at United Healthcare's site, under "coverage" for Vyvanse, it says "Non-Formulary" instead of Tier 3 or Tier 4 or "non-preferred brand" or something.

Also, is there some kind of work around I should look into when choosing a new health insurance that would allow me to get my Vyvanse covered? Caresource, for example, seems to have a continuity of care section that might be useful to me in January if I have to look for a new doctor, but I didn't see anything about medications. I hate that I might have to switch to a less effective medication with more side effects just to have a chance at managing my ADHD. I also hate that Caresource is willing to cover METHAMPHETAMINE but not my significantly safer medication that allows me to function almost normally.

submitted by /u/NiaCas

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