Does insurance typically only cover one test per day? (cardiology)

I just left the cardiologist office and based on symptoms, I’m having the cardiologist recommended the following tests, stress, test, and echocardiogram, a heart monitor to wear for a week, and vein mapping. When I went to schedule the tests upon check out, the lady told me I can only schedule one test at a time and I need to come back for separate times for each of those tests, plus my follow up appointment with the cardiologist. She said insurance typically does not cover more than one test per day. I’m a single mom and sole provider for my two kids, one of whom has complex medical issues and special needs. The office is 30 minutes away from my house and although I work from home and I have a flexible schedule and can make up my work after hours, I would still like the convenience of combining some of these appointments if possible. She did not confirm with my Insurance provider, Aetna, but she did call her billing office to confirm and they said yes you can only schedule one appointment per day. I called Aetna to inquire about this, but their systems are currently down. I was just curious if anybody else has heard this? Or has anybody with Aetna or a different provider? Been able to do multiple tests in the same day? It seems like a silly policy. Especially what if somebody was hospitalized and needed to do multiple tests on the same day? Thanks for any advice!

submitted by /u/notYOgirl2000

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