Does EOB with Blue Cross show why I was in the ER?

Basically title. I’m a recovering drug addict of 3 years that overdosed last week. Extremely grateful to still be here. I’m on my parents insurance. I did tell my mom I visited the ER so she knew but I said it was for heart problems. They ran a blood test, an XRAY on my lungs and heart, and checked all heart activity as well as administered drugs to calm me down. I’m very disappointed in this and I’m not ready to tell my mom. As far as I know, they have no access to my hospitals online portal or info as I’ve called them and only my girlfriend can see doctors notes. My questions is if the EOB will show my reason for the ER visit? Will it say drug overdose? To my understanding all the EOB is going to say is services provided(like the xray, lab work, drugs provided), charges for the services, how much my insurance paid, and how much they owe. Is this correct? I pray the EOB doesn’t just say I came in for a drug overdose because it’s going to break her heart I slipped up. She deserves to know but I will tell her someday when I’m not so ashamed.

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