Doctors refuse to give preventative colonoscopy (Kaiser)

Unempomployed due to recent layoff and have Covered Calfornia using Kaiser as a healthcare plan.

I've mentioned to them how I have family history and they suggested I come back at 45, THEN I mention how I had rectal bleeding along with other symptons such as stomach aches, trouble passing gass, trouble passing stool, change in bowel movement (thin + loose) etc…this has been 2 months now. Mother passed away due to finding out late with doctors not taking as serious which lead to them finding out stage 3 colon cancer, now I am having a similar situation.


Initial doctor that was looking at me said could be due to stress, checked out my stomach and let me go – charged $120+ just to see him for 5 minutes to recommend a CT scan rather than a colonoscopy. I had to beg him to schedule something due to my family being prone to polyps in the stomach and getting cancer.

They then say due to my symptoms listed above it cannot be used as preventative, rather it will be scheduled as a diagnostic apt ($3,200) when preventative would be $0 cost.

Are they being hard headed?

submitted by /u/gorillaseason

See also  I have student health insurance but make $5k a year and now have to get the human rabies immunoglobulin injection series.