Do you like your Jobs Health Insurance?

So I am on my 3rd Corporate Job since graduating College…All 3 offered health insurance, but it wasn't until this Job (3rd one) Where I actually worked somewhere that offered real good benefits and paid for almost all of it. The plans I have below were all for Single/Individual

Job 1- Had a POS (Point of Service Plan) with Aetna. It was ok, very pricy. Premium was like $680 a month- Employer paid $260 and I was on the hook for the rest so $80 a check (I was only making like $15.50-$16 an hour). When we renewed, my premium portion went up to $88 a check and my employer kept theirs at $260 (Shocker). $6000 Deductible. $50 Co Pays ,$8,000 OOP

Job 2- BCBS PPO- It was decent, high deductible and OOP Max..Paid about the same $80-$90 a check. Sorta similar to Job 1 Deductible and Co Pay, etc.

Job 3- Easily the Best. Gold Plan PPO with Health Link…$500 Deductible in Network…$1500 Deductible Out of Network. $40 Co-Pays. $1500 OOP Max for In Network and Out of Network. Only $25 a check. $100 for Family for when I do have one.

submitted by /u/BanjoKfan64

See also  Hospital did not disclose to me that I was uninsured (please help)