Do you get better treatment if you have higher income? Looking for Insurance plans

I have low income. Currently have medicaid/medi-cal, which is free. I have never been to hospital for personal injury or health problem until this year at age 32. When I went to hospital for first time I noticed how confusing and annoying the process are. I was treated terribly. Primary Care Providers take weeks to make appointment. Then referral to specialists take another weeks. Takes weeks or month to get a MRI scan. After all that wait and doctor only see me for 1 minute and I could barely ask questions. But I'm still hurting. But to see a new specialists will take another 1-2month thru the whole process. Is just wait wait wait! I want to get a private insurance. I looked thru internet to get quotes for plans. I noticed the higher the income I input in the higher the premium cost. I make about $20-30k a year. There are options range from $0 to $200. I'm wondering if I can get better treatment and less wait time if I choose the higher cost ones? I am starting to worried about my health. And don't want to risk getting treatment like my current provider. I'm just so lost and confused. I don't mind paying $100-200 a month even tho my income is low. I just want better treatment!

submitted by /u/1machi

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