Do urgent care visits go on your medical record?

First time getting health insurance, single male 33 y/o. Just signed up yesterday with UHC during open enrollment period.

I’ve waited so long to get health insurance because I’ve essentially been spending my disposable income on booze, and could never afford insurance.

I had a health scare about 6 weeks back where I physically couldn’t bend over to put my shoes on due to horrible abdominal pain. My breathing was reduced to very shallow bursts because of my chest cavity got too big, searing pain would shoot through my abdomen starting from the upper right hand side. Fearing I had a burst appendix, I went to urgent care where the Dr. Paid me on my back, poked my belly, heard me yell out in pain, and told me to go to the emergency room. I did not go, because I didn’t have insurance.

He thought it was my Liver or Gallbladder. I was uninsured at the time of the visit.

Since then, I’ve stopped drinking, cut fried foods, eating more fruits, nuts and veggies, and even make kale/spinach/fruit smoothies regularly.

Would my abdominal pain and the Dr. Recommendation be on my record as a pre-existing condition now and I’m SOL for any testing or treatment? It’s a super basic plan, and only costs $168/month.

I’m sure from my rambling you’re assuming I know nothing, and you would be 100% correct. I just don’t know anyone in the industry, don’t trust the salesmen, and calling the UHC line is 0% helpful.

PS. I was also advised by my salesman to not include the abdomen pain scare in my application

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submitted by /u/PieJealous8669