Do prescription payments using discount coupon still apply towards deductible?

TLDR: Does insurance apply full medication price to deductible even if I use the discount card to pay?

I have a medication that costs around 300$ through insurance. The copay does not apply until I meet the minimum deductible. I used goodrx coupon and got it for approximately 90$. The pharmacy said they cannot charge insurance since I used the coupon. My insurance asked me to upload the 90$ receipt and file a claim for it. In the claim response, they said that they are approving the claim but only as an exception and asked me to use my insurance going forward.

Now this month, I see that the insurance already applied 300$ to my deductible (I haven’t paid for or picked up my medicine). So now if I go and get my medication (for 90$) will they remove the 300$ charge? Or did I just find a deductible loophole ? If not, then should I just keep claiming the 90$ that I pay for it?

PS: I only care this much because after this I will have like 100$ left on my deductible and the medication price will drop down to 10$ copay.

submitted by /u/jetsetjoe

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