Do newborn babies start their own insurance deductibles/out-of-pocket max as soon as they’re born?

I am trying to decide which insurance plan to sign up for for the new year. I am “hoping” to become pregnant and have a baby next year, if everything goes as planned. I will reach my individual out-of-pocket max through a pregnancy and delivery. I know babies can be on the health insurance for 30days before being added on as their own individual. However, does a newborn start their own deductible and out-of-pocket max as soon as they’re born? I have one kid now, and I think I just assumed that if my individual deductible/out-of-pocket max was met then any care to the baby while still in the hospital would be on mine. Until I pulled out past bills and noticed that we paid for the baby’s care while in hospital in full, as if insurance never applied. Where as my care in the hospital was covered with insurance. I am already assuming now that a baby starts their own deductibles/out-of-pocket max as soon as they’re born, and any care to the baby goes towards their own individual deductibles/out-of-pocket max. I just want clarification now.

submitted by /u/AutoSarcasm

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