Do I qualify for a special enrollment period if I’m dual-insured?

I have a HDHP through my employer. My husband has me on his (much better, union) traditional plan through his employer.

My husband passed away last Wednesday. His HR people have told me I can pay whatever his COBRA rate is that he was paying, and they will subsidize the rest for 12 months.

I called my HR the other day to see what the rate would be if I switched from the HDHP to traditional through my own employer, since death of a spouse is a qualifying event. The rate's pretty decent-i am doubtful my husband's COBRA rate will be less but don't know yet. Apparently there's all kinds of research they have to do 🙄

My HR gal said since I'm dual-insured she's not sure if I will be able to switch since I'm not losing all of my coverage, just the good one. She's checking with Wellmark but I'm impatient.

Has anyone had any experience with this scenario?

submitted by /u/midnights7

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