Do I owe discount and reductions?

My wife is pregnant with our 2nd child and has been having a lot of back pain so her OB referred her to a physical therapist near our home that, as far as I can tell, is in network of her insurance. We received a bill that says we owe $703.57. Right away I log into our portal to see the insurance situation on this bill to make sure it was correct and it just confused me even more.

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From what I understand
– The physical therapist charged $1,230 total (for 3 visits)
– Discounts/reductions + what our insurance covered is a total of $1,052.86
– Which should leave us with a bill for $177.14 but instead it says our responsibility is $703.57 (that's the exact amount the physical therapist billed up)

I find it odd that the discounts/reductions are the same as what insurance says they covered so not sure if I am reading this correctly or not. For some reason there is currently no EOB for this claim and we haven't received it in the mail either. I tried to call on her behalf to get that sent out but this plan is from a new job she just started at the start of this year and I am not authorized on her account so they couldn't help me, but she is planning on calling Blue Cross once she has the time to.

I just want to make sure I am looking at this right and if so who should we call to get this straightened out if something is wrong.

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submitted by /u/billzor